
We offer professional written translations in more than 20 languages and variants with a high level of accuracy, reliability, and efficiency. Our quality control process and our wide array of language variants take cultural diversity into account.

We consider discounts on fuzzy matches (i.e., words that are repeated in the source documents). All translated terms are stored in our Translation Memories that are exclusive to each project. Customers usually achieve great savings on large projects.

Any legally enforceable document must be translated by a duly licensed Sworn Translator. Our Sworn Translators attest to accuracy with their signature and certification stamp.

Professional translations take great language knowledge and use, translation techniques, and a high degree of acquaintance in specific fields and regions. Our translators are specialized and constantly trained.

TEP Quality Process

Every work is Translated, Edited and Proofread by three different native professionals: linguists of 5+ years’ experience who have successfully completed our selection process.