
This is an oral translation given by professional linguists who are well acquainted with both source and target languages, their variants, and their cultural-situational framework.

We offer different interpretation techniques and work closely with our customers to help them decide on the most adequate type of interpretation for their needs:

Consecutive Interpreting: The interpreter allows the speaker to complete a sentence or full message, then the speaker pauses briefly to enable reproduction in the target language. Quick, accurate and complete note-making as well as retention skills are the essence of this interpretation type.

Most common settings for Consecutive Interpreting:

  • Business meetings/presentations
  • Court
  • Diplomatic negotiations
  • Doctor appointments
  • Counselling sessions
  • Group meetings
  • Job interviews

  • Any legally enforceable event must be interpreted by a duly licensed Sworn Interpreter. Our Sworn Interpreters attest to accuracy with their own credentials.

    Simultaneous Interpreting: The message is directly conveyed in the target language as the speaker talks. It is recommended whenever a fluent communication with large audiences is necessary and in multilingual settings. Promptness, concentration, accuracy, as well as deep knowledge of both languages and specialized terminology are essential to this interpretation type.

    Simultaneous Interpreting can take different forms such as On Site, Over the Phone Interpreting (OPI), or Video Remote Interpreting (VRI), all of which require special equipment that we can provide as well.

    Most common settings for Simultaneous Interpreting:

  • Conferences
  • Conventions
  • Courses
  • Guided Tours
  • Seminars

  • Liaison Interpreting: This is an on-site service where the interpreter accompanies the client and acts as an intermediary between people speaking different languages.

    Most common settings for Liaison Interpreting:

  • Business visits
  • Tours to plants, facilities
  • Foreign delegations
  • Field work
  • Appointments at courts, police stations, hospitals, etc.

  • Visual Interpreting: Spoken interpretation of written documents or visual presentations.

    Chuchotage Interpreting It is a type of simultaneous interpreting where only one or two people need interpretation in a setting where no special equipment is provided. The interpreter remains behind the client whispering the message in the target language.